From 1. to 5. of July 2019 I attended the 14th International Computer Science Symposium in Russia ↗, Novosibirsk. Visa to Russia took approximately a week.

Getting there, I nearly missed the connecting flight from Moscow. The destination was Akademgorodok ↗ in Novosibirsk which is an awesome location in nature built for education and science. The conference was held in the new building of Novosibirsk State University ↗.

Some of the attendees were: Rahul Ilango ↗, Danny Hucke Dmitry Kravchenko Francesco Dolce ↗, Dmitriy Zhuk, Giuseppe Italiano ↗ Meena Mahajan ↗, Gregory Kucherov, René van Bevern, Michael Fellows ↗, Petros A. Petrosyan.