Myers–Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) is a way to classify psychological preferences in how people perceive the world and make decisions, see Wikipedia ↗ for more descriptions. The test which sets you in a specific box can be found online ↗, however I view these tests as an interesting entry point to the theory, but ultimately, they say how a person behaves, not how person thinks. To make self-classification, one can simply use a pretty nice chart ↗, which is present on wikipedia as well.

There are four categorizations in the types:

  • focus: extraversion (E) / introversion (I)
  • info: sensing (S) / intuition (N)
  • decision: thinking (T) / feeling (F)
  • outer life: perceiving (P) / judging (J)

Giving us types as INFJ, ENFP, ESTJ, or ISTP. Note that however these may sound, they usually mean very different think from what you may assume, e.g., ones brain may function extravertly but the person is considered an introvert by others.

As the MBTI theory is built upon Jung’s cognitive functions, it is good to know them, and how they relate to the types. Each function consists of:

  • introverted (i) / extroverted (e) – interaction with inner or outer world
  • and one of:
    • sensing (S) / intuition (N) – concerning individual or a whole
    • thinking (T) / feeling (F) – tending towards objectivity or common good

The two created groups are Si, Se, Ni, Ne; and Ti, Te, Fi, Fe.

Each type from MBTI can be assigned these functions. There is my rationalle on why it works the way it does: Each person needs to have inner and outer life – the first function says where he prefers to act and the second function plays a supporting role. The third and fourth show what the person may be lacking, as the third is polar opposite of the second, and the fourth opposes the first. As every person needs each aspect (focus, info, decision, outer life), these naturally develop throughout the life and make up the personsl growth. So the main goal is to identify the first and the second function.

  • If the focus matches person’s outer life (E & P or I & J) then:
    • first is (focus info) > second is (neg-focus decision)
  • otherwise it is:
    • first is (focus decision) > second is (neg-focus info)

The third and fourth are negatives of second and first respectively. And if we want the whole table, the fifth through eight are flipped focus in the same order. For example:

  • ENFP has Ne > Fi > Te > Si (> Ni > Fe > Ti > Se)
  • INTP has Ti > Ne > Si > Fe (> Te > Ni > Se > Fi)

These are all fluid, so one may be anywhere on the spectrum.

Each group forms a 2D-space (square) where one may lie anywhere inside. However, as the easiest way to satisfy the need for one extraverted and one intraverted function is just to pick one function and go all-in. The other side should be gradually decelopped throughout their life.
